While we do love this time of year because of the return of warm weather and sunshine, spring  also means the beginning of mosquito season in New England. If you have experienced mosquito season here before, you know these mosquitos can ruin a really good time. They are not only annoying, but also can actually kill you. They transmit diseases to both humans and pets. In Connecticut, mosquitoes typically stick around until October/ November. In the meantime, it is important to protect your home and your family.
Start off by sealing up your house. Keep your doors and windows closed in the evening and install screens to be on the safe side. If you already have screens, make sure to repair any holes or tears this month that might have been caused over the winter.
According to the CT Mosquito Management Website, the best way to fight mosquitoes is to remember the four D’s:
Dusk and dawn
DUSK TO DAWN is the busiest time for mosquitoes. If you can avoid being outdoors during this time, you are less likely to have an encounter. However, summertime means backyard barbecues and lots of time outside so remember to DRESS appropriately. The more you cover yourself, the better. If your skin is exposed, be sure to use insect repellent that contains DEET like off.
Finally, DRAIN any places with standing water, such as bird baths which can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Clean your gutters, fix any leaks, remove debris from your yard, and replace your pet’s water bowl frequently. You can also search for your local mosquito control company by searching mosquito control near me to sign up for a program to protect you all year long.
April is in full swing which means now is the time to act against mosquitoes! Remember the four D’s and check out the states website for more information on preventing mosquitoes and protecting your family from harmful and sometime deadly viruses.

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If you would like to consult with a professional about the technology in your home, safety of your home, call Anchor Home Inspection now to schedule a home inspection today.

Anchor Home Inspections is a quality Home Inspector to Connecticut. Contact us to schedule a home inspection or any of our other home inspection services.